Take immediate control of your personal finances and learn how to stretch your money to get through this financial shutdown.
In the first three videos, you will create a 90 financial plan that will help you map out monthly income, expenses. You’ll learn how to delay some of those expenses.
This COURSE is perfect for: (Anyone who wants to stretch their money during the shutdown)
- Working Professionals
- Employees,
- 1099 Contractors,
- College Students,
- and all family members involved.
Video 0 – Overview Surviving the Financial Shutdown is a quick overview of the courses included in this series. You will download the Course Workbook and follow along as Scott runs you through the program and helps you determine if this series can help you. Most students complete the course within 10-15 minutes.
INCLUDED THIS SERIES (Videos, Workbook, Live Broadcasts, Group Forum, Tools)
This series will help you take immediate control of your finances and build a 90 day spending plan. You will track your ‘operating cash balance’ from month to month and make sure you never run out. You will review your expenses and delay certain bills if your find you’re running low on ‘Operating Cash’ at any point during any of the next 3-6 months. You will increase your income by reviewing which government assistance programs are available for you. (You have 2 weeks Academy Membership to complete this course.)
- CONTROL – Take immediate control of your finances and feel confident
- BUDGET – Build monthly budgets for each of the next 3-6 months
- FORECAST – Project your savings / ‘operating cash’ at the end of each month
- ENSURE – Ensure your money is going to last through this crisis and you don’t run out.
- DELAY – Yes, if you are running low of projected ‘operating cash’ then delay paying these expenses.
- INCREASE – Increase your income with available government Stimulus programs.
- CONFIDENCE – Leave this program feeling confident that you are on the right track and making wise financial decision.